Hello folks, Apologies for the late notice but there will be no stream this week. I will be back on Thursday 27th Feb, (possibly before but I don't want to promise just yet!). Thank you all for your patience and kind words, it really is appreciated. Have a great weekend and I'll see you next week. Take care
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Stream reference links page
With over one hundred and seventy streams over the past two years we’ve grown into one of the largest online figure drawing community’s! During each session we draw from the pre selected reference and I discuss my thought process throughout. From purely Gesture (faster pose) sessions to longer form sessions, draped and multiple figure poses, there’s usually something for everyone.
So here's how it works, if you go to my YouTube channel and become a member you'll have access to the reference that we'll be drawing in each session as well as access to the reference from the last couple of months sessions, so there’s a lot to get through! Come draw along, ask questions or simply hang out! It's been a lot of fun so far and I'm really excited about this format of teaching and the online art community it’s created. You can also review all streams after if you can't make it live.
Also get access to past livestreams as well as the the Discord channel where members post and chat about the drawings they created during the streams and share tips and advice.
A link to the reference for these sessions is posted monthly in the YouTube membership chat. Come draw along!
For more information about membership please check out the Livestream FAQ.
““Build a figure in such a way that its pose tells what is in the soul of it. A gesture is a movement not of the body but of a soul.””
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